In September of 2010, the ministry established a 10-member committee under Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) with director Asad Rahmani to study the impact of cellphone towers on birds and bees. The group of experts reviewed 919 studies performed in India and abroad regarding the effects of cellphone towers on birds, insects, animals, wildlife, and humans.
"We have suggested that EMR should be recognized as a pollutant given its effect on wildlife and should be audited regularly" said Wildlife Institute of India's Dr B.C Choudhary, who was part of the panel."
Because what the group found was quite startling.
After reviewing 919 international studies on this matter, the group found 593 studies that said Mobile Tower's EMF bore a significant ill-effect on behavior and mating habits of birds like urban sparrows and in bee colonies.
The experts noted a study in India's Punjab University's that said embryos of 50 eggs of house sparrows were damaged after being exposed to mobile tower radiation for five to 30 minutes.
In the case of honey bees, the group observed that high radiation resulted in an unusual phenomenon
known as 'colony collapse disorder' which is characterized by sudden disappearance of a hive's inhabitants, leaving only queens, eggs and a few immature workers behind.
This suggests that Electromagnetic Radiation May Play A Role In The Decline Of Animal And Insect Populations!
They panel went on to say that there was an urgent need to focus more scientific attention on the subject before it was too late.
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